The Flintstones closing theme song

The Flintstones ending song lyrics

The Flintstones is a popular cartoon tv series of 90s period. This cartoon series is based on the two modern stone age family, Flintstones and Rubble. 

The Flintstones closing song

The Flintstones ending theme song
The Flintstones closing theme song

Flintstones. Meet the Flintstones.
They're the modern stone age family.
From the town of Bedrock,
They're a page right out of history.

Someday, maybe Fred will win the fight.
Then that cat will stay out for the night.

When you're with the Flintstones
Have a yabba dabba doo time.
A dabba doo time.
We'll have a gay old time.

We'll have a gay old time! (Wilma!)

Also check,

The Flintstones closing theme song

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